Eat to Thrive
Freedom Jars celebrated 3 years of being in business last week! In celebration we wanted to share some of our amazing customers’ stories of healing through plant based food. Freedom Jars has always been about making healthy plant based options accessible and affordable to all. So we were compelled to ask our customers 5 questions around how eating plant based changed their lives.
Many years ago, I decided animal protein is not really my thing - because of both my spiritual beliefs, and an effort to reduce my carbon footprint. A few years ago, I read a story about several NBA players adopting a complete plant-based diet, and it made me think - if it is good enough for Dame Lillard, I should probably try it. I tried to monitor the impact of plant based diet on how I feel…. And I am amazed with the findings.
How do you feel after eating plant-based or gluten free foods?
After consuming plant-based foods, I feel light, and healthy. I also noticed a change in my energy level and general fitness.
How has plant-based eating changed your life?
It turns out - as I age, my body requires greater attention to recover from physical strain and exercise. And in my case, I look to reduce the inflammation in my body, especially after exercise. I have noticed a direct reduction in inflammation, which to me, leads to a faster recovery process.
Also - I really like that when I meet up with friends for dinner. After we eat, I ALWAYS have way more energy … they are all comatose from trying to digest their steaks (f*** cannibals) and I feel light and refreshed from my healthy choices!
Has Freedom Jars inspired you or influenced your food habits in any way? If so, how?
I realize I don’t often make great nutrition decisions, and I am a slave to convenience (this wasn’t always easy to admit). Finding convenient, healthy, nutritious, delicious food is not easy…. And Freedom Jars checks all of those boxes for me!
If you had to choose only one fruit or vegetable to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Mangos - definitely mango. They remind me of growing up, with all my cousins - peeling them without any utensils, and wearing as much of it as I ate…. Great memories. And they are delicious.
I was officially diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2017 when I was 26 years old, my first episode when I was 25. Being a fairly healthy and active young adult, I was shocked to say the least. After doing more research and really wanting to take control of my disease, I learnt about anti-inflammatory foods and their effect on auto-immune diseases like MS. It was a no brainer. If I removed gluten and dairy from my diet, and followed a plant-based diet as much as possible (all natural especially), I would support my body by eliminating inflammation. I changed my diet over 2.5 years ago and never looked back.
How do you feel after eating dairy-free or gluten free foods?
Not only were my MRI results continuously improving since changing my diet (you can't be cured of MS, but you can limit the lesions), but I felt healthier, far less bloated, more energetic and overall so much stronger. I embraced a tougher fitness regiment and tho MS medications and other medical treatments have supported me along the way, I have absolutely no doubt that the success in my day-to-day no MS episodes is because of how I eat. I feel I'm my best self when I take care of myself, and I continuously encourage others to try it!
How has Gluten-free and Dairy-free eating changed your life?
Gluten & dairy free eating changed my life by giving me my control back. Feeling like I lost all forms of control over my body with MS, with so many unknowns of my future, I needed SOMETHING that I could choose and control for myself. Knowing that I was setting my body up for success, helping it fight in a healthy way, and loving how my body was reacting both physically and mentally continues to be so rewarding.
Has Freedom Jars inspired you or influenced your food habits in any way? If so, how?
When I first found Freedom Jars I was elated. I can't tell you how much I missed yogurt parfaits, and caesar salads. They used to be my go tos. I had tried every option (all super expensive) and none of them filled my cravings or expectations of taste. I was overjoyed by how delicious everything at Freedom Jars was. Eating Dairy Free & Gluten Free over 2 years ago (even years before that) had very limited options. I continuously am so grateful for entrepreneurs that make a diet easier, while remaining delicious and strive to innovate new and budget friendly options. It's easier to follow and maintain a diet, when it's delicious! I've shared Freedom Jars with so many others, who are shocked to learn it's dairy and gluten free after they try it! I wish I had discovered this years ago.
If you had to choose only one fruit or vegetable to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I absolutely love everything Mango. It automatically cheers me up. Whether it's in a breakfast jar (Mayan Sunrise), a salad, a smoothie or gelato. I always love looking into the meanings of things, somehow it's always very symbolic. The Mango Tree is the symbol of love, wealth, fertility and immortality, a tropical fruit of the Gods.
What has inspired you to eat more plant-based? Tell us your story
I initially went plant based back in January of 2016; I was 19 and had a lot of digestive issues and dietary restrictions at the time, and was having a lot of issues eating food without it upsetting my stomach. I had no idea what to do, so I decided going vegan was an easy way to eliminate a lot of foods from my diet that could be causing issues, and within a week of switching over, I felt amazing! I have stuck with eating plant based ever since, and don't think I could ever go back to eating the way I used to, I feel too good to quit!
How do you feel after eating plant-based or gluten free foods?
I feel fantastic! I'm celiac and have an existing dairy allergy, so eating plant based and gluten free is what I thrive on! The whole foods I consume provide me with the energy I need for my active lifestyle and keep my brain fueled all day to be productive and feel good.
How has plant-based eating changed your life?
For the better 100%! Not only do I feel great internally, but I also feel confident about my body and the way it looks thanks to plant based eating. On top of that, it has really pushed my cooking abilities to the max and makes me get super creative in the kitchen. I love trying new recipes and food combinations to mimic old comfort foods and satisfy my carnivore friends.
Has Freedom Jars inspired you or influenced your food habits in any way? If so, how?
Yes most definitely! The flavours of the various jars and bowls you provide have introduced me to different combinations of food and flavour profiles, and I absolutely love it! Not to mention it also encourages me to have healthy ready-made snacks and meals available to continue feeling good on a plant based diet.
If you had to choose only one fruit or vegetable to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
That's a REALLY tough one. As a foodie, the thought of eating one food for the rest of my life is so BORING! However, if I had to choose, probably bananas because there is so much you can do with them. I'm a smoothie bowl addict so bananas are a staple in my smoothies. Not to mention they are essential for healthy plant based baking.
What has inspired you to eat more plant-based? Tell us your story
From the time my mom discovered she really didn't have gophers in the garden eating the tops off of her onions to now, I have always loved my veggies but my passion wasn't just limited to eating. I became a chef and after nearly 20 years working with food and learning so much about the processes food goes through before it reaches the table I knew that I didn't want to eat that. I wanted to head out to the garden and grab a tomato, and some salad greens, something fresh, natural, plant based!
How do you feel after eating plant-based or gluten free foods?
A: I once read that “Your body isn't truly hungry unless you're craving a salad”. I believe that, because I know I feel much better after eating plant based foods as opposed not. I feel energized vs lethargic and healthier in general.
How has plant-based eating changed your life?
I have a confession, I am not completely plant based. I have a weakness for cheese! I do try to eat mainly vegetarian but that pesky cheese just gets in the way. However, in my younger years I ate virtually everything and can honestly say the difference is beyond significant. I have lost weight after being obese most of my life. My pain levels have decreased from a 9 to a 3 (on a bad day!). My skin, hair, and nails are healthier. The progression of arthritis has slowed down. I sleep better, I feel better in general and for me that is pretty life changing.
Has Freedom Jars inspired you or influenced your food habits in any way? If so, how?
Absolutely, I've never had the best eating habits when it comes to breakfast, I'm not a breakfast girl. But Freedom Jars breakfast jars have made breakfast an easier task for me. They've also inspired me to make ahead and prepare my own jars to keep on hand for snacks as well as breakfast.
If you had to choose only one fruit or vegetable to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Definitely's delicious, boosts your immunity, and has a ton of other amazing health benefits. It's great for bone health, aids digestion, helps prevent heart disease, fights inflammation, it's a topical for wound healing...The seeds are edible too and loaded with oleic acid. I mean come on, how could you not choose this amazing fruit!